If you already have condor mini or dolphin combined with vvdi mb, your VVDI MB can has 2 free tokens everyday. Up to 1 free tokens per day.
How to Connect Condor XC-002 with VVDI MB to get free token?
Take a picture of Customer ID information & serial number of two devices as below and send it us.
(Note: All required information must be in a single picture. )
Please contact our customer service
How Can i Get Two Free Token Everyday for VVDI MB Tool?
If you have condor xc-002, condor xc-mini/ condor dolphin/ condor mini plus, and VVDI MB Tool (must be SK185 full version, not SK185-B), bind condor xc-002, condor or dolphin with your vvdi mb tool, you can get two everyday. Note that if your VVDI MB tool is SK185-B, discount price one, can not bind with condor xc-002.
Condor XC-002 Main Features:
1. Minimalism streamline design
2. Ultra-strength aluminum alloy die casting with superior texture.
3. Convenient and practical ergonomics handle design.
4. Patented rotating clamp design suitable for multi key blanks and blades
5. Gross rolling guided bearing track ensures easy operation.
6. Modulated components for easy disassembly and maintenance.
7. DMG CNC Processing
Xhorse VVDI MB BGA Tool Functions:
1. Read Write Key
Identification key, IR read write BE key, read v51, v67 version's key password by NEC adapter, read activate blank BGA (OCF4)key, key current HASH(repair), renew, write into the used NEC key, write smart key etc.
2. Password Calculation
OBD read and calculate all(FBS3) can protocol EIS password, support BGA keys, NEC key, v51, v57 version password calculation, support all key lost W164, W216, W166, W209, W211, W212, W246, W212(old), W204, W207 etc, online calculation key password
3. ESL Tools
OBD(K line)read data, Renew ESL, replace ESL (no need to renew EIS), check ESL damage, repair W204 ESL
4. Read/ Write Gateway
Support OBD repair KM: W204, W207, W212, W251, W164, W211,W221,W216.W166.W172,W232,W205 etc
Support reading writing gateway EEPROM and FLASH: W211/W/164/W204/W207/W212/W221/W216 etc
5.EIS Tools
Read 8 write ES by OBD or ROBD auto detect, access to W164 W209 W211 without gateway. Read the old Motorola EIS(k-line)’s password.
Renew EIS, Replace EIS, Enable key, Disable key. Personalize W204 ESL
Test ESL Status/Working key etc
6. Prepare Key File
Online generate v11, v41, v51 version's key file, support Motorola EIS
EPROM file, with high efficiency, 1009 successful generate
7. Program ECU/Gearbox/ISM
Support renew ECU, gearbox and SM, write in VN, personalized etc