How to Use Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus OBD Copy ID48 Function?

How to find the OBD Copy ID48 function in xhorse vvdi key tool plus pad?  Here’s the menu path:

You go to Immo Programming- VW- Select by type– OBD clone ID48.

OBD Copy 48 instruction:

This process includes all steps of cloning 48 chip via OBD into one process, the user only need to follow the process prompt and execute them in order to complete the key clone.


2. Step 1: Get the PIN/CS

(1). Input the known PIN/CS manually

(2), Read PIN/CS code from the engine through OBD interface

3. Step 2: Collect data

(1). Collect vehicle data, this step need to generate 48 chip from a VVDI super chip, (then keep both the chip and the sensing coil of the KEYTOOL PLUS close to the vehicle ignition coil, constantly switch the ignition on/off, until it prompts that collection is complete.

4. Step 3: Network decoding

(1) Uploaded the data collected in step 2 to the server to calculate, file will be saved after the calculation is completed.

(2) . You can query the server last calculation result.

5. Step 4: Generate dealer keys

(1). You can generate dealer keys through the immo data file loaded in step 3.