Here’s the guide to restore the original eeprom from Dflash to repair BMW E-series FRM (BMW Footwell Module) module by using Xhorse VVDI Prog programmer.
VVDI Prog adds FRM-E-SERIES-XEQ384 and FRM-F-SERIES-XET512 read & write options since version 4.6.8 (check pinout connection to VVDI Prog in the end of the post).
Here takes an example on BMW E-series E71
Step 1: Read Dflash
Connect FRM module with VVDI prog
Open VVDI prog software
Select MCU->Motorola -MC9S12->9S12XEQ384 unsecured
If vvdi prompts “Partition information error, please select the partition size manually”
Select the partition size EEE:0 sector, DFlash: 128 sectors (32K), press OK
Read and then save Dflash, i.e E71 xe
Step 2: Dflash to Eeprom
Open Dflash to EEE for FRM3 Software, upload Dflash data just read
Then convert Dflash to eeprom.
(You can use free online FRM3 D-Flash to EEPROM converter here as well:
Save eeprom, i.e: eee_L508991.bin
Step 3: Write EEPROM
Back to VVDI Prog software, select Type 8-Others->BMW->FRM E-series XEQ384
Click Write Partition (will erase Dflash and eeprom data)
Write EEPROM partition to 16 sectors (4K), DFLASH: 0 sector
Open EEPROM data just converted from Dflash
Click Write tab to write eeprom
Reset FRM success.
Install FRM module back to vehicle.
Vedio from:
BMW FRM 2M25J/3M25J(9S12XEQ384) pinout to VVDI-Prog
BMW FRM F-series 2M25J (MC9S12XET512) pinout to VVDI Prog