Here’s the little guide on how to snoop ignition data with the Xhorse XN002 wireless remote and clone an ID46 transponder chip using VVDI Key Tool remote generator.
Turn on your Xhorse VVDI Key Tool
Select Transponder Clone from main menu
Insert the original key into the left coil and press OK to read data
Press down arrow to start cloning the transponder
Select wireless Mode and insert the XN002 wireless remote into the left coil
Insert battery and put acquisition remote near vehicle ignition coil, switch on igntion 1 time, then put remote back to the Keytool induction coil, press OK to read data
Go to the car and place the XN002 xhorse wireless remote next to the ignition
Turn the ignition on to sniff the data
Insert the XN002 remote back into the left coil to get data
Insert the original key into the left coil for calculation
Insert the XN002 remote or an Xhorse ID46 chip into the left coil to finish the cloning process
VVDI key tool cloning ID46 remote success.